Gemstone Water FAQs

Why do I need to get the decanter? Can’t I gem it in any pitcher?

The design of the Decanter Era (44 ounces) or the Dispenser Grande (2 Gallons) is perfect for suspending the GemVial to permeate its messaging and vibration in a 360 degree direction. It also protects the GemVial from hitting the sides so breakage is less likely. I also like its rubber lid for switching out the GemVials ….no fuss. The silver lid is rimmed around the sides and lifts right off, then you slide the GemVial our of the rubber holder. SO I wouldn’t recommend using another pitcher for those reasons. Plus, they’re like art work and these dispensers display the stones better. I believe in the clean lines and aesthetics as being part of the experience with the water. There’s a flow to this that makes drinking water a delight. If you want to be “on the go” I then transfer my crystal water into a quart mason jar decreasing breakage even more (see “on the go” usage question below). If you want to get a Vitajuwel Via Bottle (about 2 cups), this is another option as well. Id then recommend buying a protective sleeve then (12.oo)

There is so many options where do I start? my ONE, TWO, THREE method explained.

I suggest to look them over visually first. Pick out three to look at more closely. Often what you are visually drawn to, you will likely need internally. Its good to just start with one GemVial Blend and work with just that one. Ultimately, I recommend to work up to having three different focuses with these GemVial tools: NUMBER ONE focus is to have a good blend that helps with over all health and well-being. The NUMBER TWO is to have a good blend that works with a healing element or as a treatment. The NUMBER THREE is to have a good blend that helps with mood lifting and lightening, for those breaks after working with the treatment GemVial. The over all well being blend is there as your foundation. Sometimes, visually, you are drawn to the treatment work, which is fine. These arent really laid out like NUMBER ONE being the first one you buy, but you can look at my Example of ONE, TWO, THREE in action.

Example of ONE, TWO, THREE in action:

Start with maybe wellness: Which has an over-all-whole-body-well-being element to it. And is often enlivening to drink it.
Then after a few weeks to a few months, you can add in another GemVial (again, visually picking it out), you can go towards one that works on a physical, emotional or mental condition you would like up-leveled: which could be Vitality: good for any type of infection, ailment, known to boost Immune functions and can be an earth mover, grounding etc.
Finally, adding in one that would uplift you,either at the purchase of your second one, or later on: Which could be Sunny Morning or Happy Moments: I havent met a person who didn’t like this blend yet at all. Its like taking in the Sunlight or a warm beach day….its just nice.

I did the NUMBER ONE purchase, when will I know I’m ready to go to NUMBER TWO?

I think there isn’t a hard and fast rule. What I have found and seem to see with a lot of regularity is when you can no longer taste the stone blend, you have balanced yourself with that blend. This doesn’t mean you cant still benefit or maintain a level of need and health by still consuming the same GemVial, it just means you could then add another GemVial to your “internal medicine gemstone tool kit,” so to speak. Its when you find you are not wanting to drink water as much that indicates you need to switch off of that blend for a little while before returning to drinking it again. This is a personal journey as each person has different deficiencies and needs when it comes to drinking these Blends. Timing will be individual around how much one can consume of one Blend versus another person or another Blend. This though is part of the Intuitive fun in consuming these Blends, finding your what allows deeper internal balance around emotions, mental and physical strengthening and healing on many levels.

How long does it take to Gem the water?

Its stated as a fast process due to the quality of the gems: 7-10 minutes. And I have found this to be quite accurate with all of the GemVials Ive worked with. I do find there are specific stones i can steep for even less and others I like to steep longer. This has to do with the stones properties. I’ll include these specific experiences in the email, after you purchase.

After I Gem the water, and pour it into a quart mason jar for “on the go” usage, how long does it hold the crystal formation without the stones in the water?

The water will hold the crystal information for up to 24-48 hours after the crystal is removed from the water.

What do I use for cleaning them? and how often?

Just water rinsing is good, but if you need more of a deeper cleaning, you can use a spritz of lemon juice or a splash of vinegar and a soft sponge to clean. Allow to air dry. With the Vitajuwel Via Bottles, you will want to clean them nightly, letting them air dry. This will ensure that the gasket remains clean of moisture (leaving the top off and rubber components left out of it). As to the Decanter Era and the Dispenser Grande, these are all glass (minus the rubber components at the top of the silver lid). These can hold gemmed water for days without needing a cleaning. General Rule of thumb here: The less filtered the water, the more often you will need to clear the glass of any impurities building up.

Tea Time: I notice this is only in a Vitajuwel Via Bottle, why? Cant I make tea with other blends?

The Vitajuwel Via Bottles are made with glass that can handle warmed up water (not boiling!), but the GemVials are made of Hand Blown glass, and are’nt meant to handle those hot temps. SO, Tea Time enables you to have your tea “on the go”….Moss Agate was researched and herald as the premiere stone for pulling out the delicate tannins of teas. Though it does have other benefits (check out Momentum), this is what it is revered for. And just so ideal for tea. However, you can make tea out of any of the other gemmed waters simply by setting up your Decanter with the desired GemVial, then take that water and bring to a boil pouring over your tea bags. This will not alter the moelcules holding the crystal information, the molecules simply are known to just move at a faster rate as the water warms. This is further explored in my EBOOKS.

Once I have a Vitajuwel Via Bottle, do I need to keep buying a bottle?

No. You can switch to just buying the patented, exchangeable bottom piece (“GemPod”). You just need to indicate this by clicking on the correct item to purchase. The GemVials are hand blown glass cylinders, the Via Bottles is both the GemPod with the bottle and top and then there is purchasing a GemPod only, which will screw into your already purchased Via Bottle. The benefit here is you can have water “on the go” and change out your GemPod bottom midday or rotate out every other day. Then while you are out on the town, you can just have the waiter fill up your Via with tap water, or carry water with you to refill. Wait 7-10 minutes and enjoy ! I do recommend purchasing a protective sleeve (12.oo) which helps with gripping your Bottle.

How much wine does the Wine Decanter hold?

It holds a full bottle of wine. And is gemmed and ready in 7-10 minutes. The amethyst will pull out the delicate tannins in the wine for a lovely experience. Ive heard you can uplevel a cheap wine and pass it off as more expensive due to the wonderful stones doing their crystal formations. Plus its a wonderful dinner piece for holidays, birthdays or special anniversaries.

Can I mix two Blends together, like Love with Forever Young?

I would not recommend this. However, its very common to use Clear quartz, Halite Salt, Diamonds and Amethyst with other stones. In other words, the individual stones have their own function, and when you blend them with other stones, certain aspects are highlighted. There’s just a certain science, if you will, to blending these stones together so it’s not recommended. I will go into this more in the purchase email, when applicable.